All Workers Comp. Related Information / Reports: 1-800-633-9267
New Patients & Motor Vehicle Accidents: 1-866-609-4448

Auto Accident Injuries
No matter the cause of the accident, even the most minor traffic collision can cause a plethora of painful injuries – from whiplash and broken bones to much more serious spinal cord injuries.
Even if you’ve suffered a minor cut or scrape, you need to know that you’ve entrusted your care to an experienced team of doctors. At Sall Myers, we have the board certified specialist to treat your needs – whether you need physical therapy or an orthopedic surgery consultation.
If you’ve been in a traffic accident, you should see a board certified physician right away – even if you don’t feel any immediate symptoms. Some injuries can take up to 24 hours to present themselves, while others are serious but hard to detect.
Sall Myers Medical Associates is your one stop treatment facility and will provide for all your car accident or personal injury needs.
Sall Myers Medical Associates is your one stop treatment facility and will provide for all your car accident or personal injury needs. We provide evaluations and treatments for all types of injuries throughout Northern New Jersey. In some instances, same day appointments are available upon request with evaluation and treatment reports available in 48 hours or less.
If you’ve been in a car accident in New Jersey and need treatment for an auto accident or personal injury, please call us at 866-609-4448 or fill out our contact form for a consultation.
Common Car Accident Injuries
Whiplash is a very common car accident injury, and is characterized by pain in the neck and shoulders. This condition can range from mild to severe, or even cause you chronic problems. Learn more about whiplash.
Car accident back injuries can affect your day-to-day life, and make simple tasks like standing and walking into pain-filled chores. Luckily, the board certified doctors at Sall Myers can assist you in your full recovery. Learn more about back injuries.
Your head is prone to a variety of accident related injuries, from hitting a dashboard or flying debris. When the head is injured, it can be an especially nerve-wracking time for you and your family. Learn more about head injuries.
Diagnosing Car Accident Injuries
Sall Myers Medical Associates can diagnose any car accident injury, with our open-air MRI and radiology services on-site for your convenience – no shuttling back and forth to different buildings and offices. Our trained specialists will make sure you get the tests you need, with timely and accurate results.
Car Accident Treatment
Our board certified specialists can meet a variety of treatment needs. Our practice areas include:
Accident Safety and Prevention
Texting and Driving: When you text and drive, you don’t just put yourself at risk – you’re also risking the lives of everyone in your vehicle, as well as everyone else on the road. In fact, it’s responsible for 18 percent of distraction-related accident fatalities in the United States.
Driving in a Construction Zone: The stop-and-go traffic of a busy construction zone can be an accident hazard. Learn how to protect yourself from injury with these tips.
Driving in the Fog: Heavy fog is the most difficult weather condition to navigate while driving. Learn how to protect yourself and get to your destination without incident with these helpful tips.