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Physical Rehabilitation
An auto accident injury can be a scary experience, especially when you don′t know what to expect next. We′re here to address your questions about various types of injury treatment, so you know what to expect when you come into the office. At Sall Myers, our bilingual staff is equipped to handle many different types of accident injuries.
Why would I need physical rehabilitation?
Physical therapy will assist you as you recover from any accident injury that may impact how your body normally functions. When your muscles and bones undergo extreme trauma, they often need to be trained before they will function normally again. Without physical rehabilitation, you may experience permanent muscle weakness or reduced function in the injured body part.
What types of physical rehabilitation does Sall Myers offer?
Knee physical therapy: Sall Myers offers knee physical therapy treatment for those who’ve suffered a car accident injury or during post-operative care. Treatment options include strengthening and range of motion exercises, as well as more advanced techniques.
Frozen shoulder physical therapy: We offer physical therapy as a treatment option for this painful, ongoing condition. Frozen shoulder has a relatively long recovery process, as compared to other similar injuries.
Additionally, physical therapy is a major part of the recovery process for many other accident injuries and orthopedic surgeries.
What can I expect from physical rehabilitation?
Your rehabilitation experience will vary depending on your injury. However, you may participate in one or more of the following:
Strengthening exercises
Range of motion exercises
Application of heat and ice
Electrical stimulation
One of the board certified doctors at Sall Myers can give you more information about what to expect during your one-on-one appointment.
How long will I need physical rehabilitation?
This depends on the type of auto accident injury you’ve endured, as well as whether or not you’ve had surgery and how severely you were injured. You may need as few as one to two sessions with a trained physician, and then continue an exercise program at home. However, some conditions require weeks or months of ongoing treatment.
If you’ve been in a car accident in New Jersey and need physical therapy, please call us at 866-609-4448 or fill out our contact form.